Friday, March 25, 2011


We were shocked (sort of) when our youngest daughter, Sandra, spoke those words to us. We felt fortunate that we were dealing only with a disembodied voice coming through the phone, and weren't in a room with her.

She was right! After only a little over one week, we were showing definite signs of enjoying this new life style. Proving once again, that you can teach old dogs new tricks. In reality, what is there not to like about being pampered? Since we were going to become "displaced people" for an extended period of time, better to do it at The Carlyle than at a Motel 6. A friend who knows people in high places, was positive he could arrange for a room (with bath) on the Concierge floor at Motel 6. The choice seemed obvious, but the room at the motel was not available for stays longer than two hours.

Wonder what one can accomplish in such a short period of time.

By the way, Sandra and our Granddaughter are coming to stay with us for a night. Perhaps after that she will realize that she will need to be included in the planned intervention.

Life here continues to roll along. It is a bit more difficult for Jane as she has this longing to return to our apartment as quickly as possible. I attribute this to her lacking the male genes necessary to hunker down and vegetate. In no time at all, I had found my favorite torn t-shirt, cracked open a Bud, grabbed some beef-jerky and planted myself in front of the flat screen TV.

Anyone who can envision my doing this must be smoking hemp!

Now for some good and bad news:
Good News: we spoke to our contractor yesterday and he informed us that he was running ahead of schedule.
Bad News: we spoke to our contractor yesterday and he informed us that he was running ahead of schedule.

Regardless of the way you view this news, it does look like we will be back home in two months and not three. This is good as it is difficult to adhere to a work schedule away from the "office." I have tried a remote link, but as luck would have it there were too many electrical interruptions causing me to lose contact. This was due to the electricians turning the "juice" on and off as they worked and not turning my host computer back on. It was yet another idea that did not work as advertised.

Despite this chaotic service, the spring issue of the newsletter will be sent in 7-10 days. I hope! Many thanks to Christina and Allison for their help. We think that you will like this issue and look forward to your comments.

Until next time,



  1. As entertaining as Eloise at the Plaza but with a social consciousness thrown in - or out - depending on how you look at it. I'm all for pampering as long as it's periodic. (Do they provide foot massages?)

  2. I love this installment.......FUNNY!!!!!!!!!
    Ah, the male instinct to adjust to new places as the hunter and the female instinct to go back to the nest is a live and well at the Carlyle.

    The intervention will not work from what I hear. The atmosphere sounds too divine and your substance of choice comes with ROOM SERVICE.

    Enjoy your stay-the computer will wait.

    I thought of you both today as I went by on the Madison Avenue bus!

    Ah, the grand life for the grand people-YOU BOTH DESERVE IT.
