Monday, May 2, 2011

"Thanks For The Memories"

With a nod to Bob Hope, this "issue" of the blog deals with our "separation" from The Carlyle. Six weeks in this little bit of Heaven is coming to an end. 

When I was a young "lad", I was addicted to listening to "old time" radio including the soap operas. My happiest days were when I was sick, and could stay in bed all day soaking up all the problems that these make believe characters faced. 

One of the longest running shows was Stella Dallas.The program's opening told the premise of the drama: "We give you now Stella Dallas, a continuation on the air of the true-to-life story of mother love and sacrifice, in which Stella Dallas saw her own beloved daughter marry into wealth and society and, realizing the differences in their tastes and worlds, went out of Laurel's life."

I know that the connection between Stella and me is a real stretch, but the question remains; Can I find happiness when I leave the land of make believe and return to life on 72nd Street.

One of my readers has already questioned what life will be like without those little elves who did everything. The answer is, I will adjust but it will be a culture shock. Perhaps it is time to figure out another disaster so we can have a double whammy; the need to do another renovation and a return to Nirvana. 

One can always dream.

In any case, we enjoyed a fine dining experience this week with Mr. Steinbock, Managing Director and Alexandra Tscherne, Director of Residences. I am happy to report that Jane and I did not embarrass ourselves.  

Since we had friends in high places, we dined (not ate) in a secluded corner of this beautiful dining room. I was pleased that we were like four old friends getting together. The conversation was free flowing and from all indications all had a good time. Oh yes, the food was good. This was a special white asparagus menu and we had some as an first course. this was followed up but a non-vegetarian Dover Sole and fresh fruit for desert. Jane had a creme brule'. Happy to report that not an ounce was added to our weight. A major achievement.

This week also saw the resolution of that lingering question of what happens to the JL & LL pillow cases. Just cast your gaze on this picture. In a major ceremony with much pomp and circumstance, the cases were presented to us. The gift wrapping is so good, it is possible that our heads will never rest on the pillowcases.

One final story to close this page of the blog out. We are back home, but I will save our reverse metamorphosis from a beautiful butterfly to a common caterpillar for a future issue.

The title of this story is...

       "How Larry Became a Shill For The Carlyle."

This morning Jane and I took our usual walk in Central Park and near the 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue entrance we were approached by a woman. She explained that she was a first time visitor from Canada to our city and wanted to see some of the points of interest in the park and that the Zoo and Carousel had not opened yet. 

I suggested that she take the 76th Street exit and visit the Carlyle Hotel. She had a doubtful look on her face until I explained some of the hotel's history including the President Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe urban legend. She left us and the last we saw of her she was floating on a cloud towards the hotel.

So much for Bethesda Fountain and Strawberry Fields.

I think that I have lost all perspective!



  1. Ah, parting is such sweet sorrow!!!

    I envision you standing at the elevator door of your suite and smiling wistfully as someone else is ushered into your suite knowing that you have made the final sacrifice in order for someone else to experience Nirvana.....maybe the lady in Central Park.

    It was a truly lovely blog and I enjoyed every moment of reading it. It will go down in the annals of time as a testament to the strength and course that you and Jane showed in the face of destruction for which you were so richly rewarded......the pillowcases, too.

    Adieu......see you both soon.

  2. Remember that the fat lady has not sung, and the blog has not ended. Stay tuned for my fun with Larry.
