Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)

I can think of no better theme for this blog than the song sung by Doris Day. For a control freak like me, the very concept of "Que Sera, Sera" is beyond my comprehension. As I mentioned in a previous blog, "change" is difficult for the male of the species. Despite any apprehensions I may have, we are getting close to the finish line when we return home and leave this fairytale paradise we have enjoyed for the past six weeks. I decided the best way to approach this period of preparation for separation was to make journal entries and try to put some order into these random events at a later time.

Our youngest daughter, Sandra, and our Granddaughter, Sophia, (age 10) graced us with an overnight stay. This gave our good friends at The Carlyle an opportunity to excel; and excel they did. We had arranged for Roll-away Beds to be set up in our Living Room. In our feeble minds we envisioned cots, but we learned that we did not understand the level of professionalism that existed here.

We went out to dinner (our first time doing so in ages), so we were not prepared for the events that unfolded. To start with, there are two different personalities of the Carlyle.  While we were quite familiar with the daytime persona, we had no idea of what happens after the sun goes down. On our way to dinner, we passed through the lobby. Not the daytime lobby, but a lobby ablaze in a magnificent floral display. One that took our breaths away. 

Upon our return from dinner, in a rather full and tired state we opened the door to our apartment and were stunned by the sight. Our living room had been transformed into a bedroom complete with two over-sized beds. We quickly learned that our guests would not be sleeping on cots but on overstuffed beds. This was our first experience with turn-down service at the hotel, and we were sorry that we always went to sleep early and did not avail ourselves of turn down service during our stay.

It is time for a lesson in Upper East Side Economics. While we live only five blocks away from The Carlyle, the scene is different. Somehow once you cross Park Avenue and walk one block west to Madison Avenue the prices for comparable items in the stores increases greatly. For example, a simple breakfast at Saint Ambrose, an Italian restaurant and coffee bar near the hotel, cost over $100.The breakfast consisted of one order of eggs, an order of pancakes, one fruit plate, one brioche, two decaf coffees, one hot chocolate, and one coffee. While the price was high (to say the least), the food was delicious. I guess that shows how my perspective has changed.  

"Times are a changing" and the time is fast approaching to pack up and move back to our normal surroundings. Do not get fooled, we do not live in a third world country on 72nd Street. I am steeling myself for the impending move.

This week we are having lunch with the Managing Director of The Carlyle. Since jackets are required, I will have to take one out of mothballs and pray that it fits.

More to follow as we get closer to "M" Day.

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